Camera, infrared, night vision, LiDAR, radar sensors, have evolved from the extremely expensive military hardware to state-of-the-art compact affordable systems. Capabilities and performances have increased dramatically.  Still, the man-machine interface remains a major challenge. Interpretation and decision-making need to be trained adequately.

MChE is working with companies having developed cutting-edge technologies for civilian and homeland security use in the field of:

Simulation : Computational and visualization engines, designed to support a wide range of demanding visual applications based on photo-realistic visual and sensor scenes of real-world locations as requested by the customer.



Georgraphic Information Services : automated generation of 2D and 3D images

Stadt2      Simulation : Computational and visualization engines, designed to support a wide range of demanding  visual applications based on photo-realistic visual and sensor scenes of real-world locationsas requested by the customer.
overlay2 Data fusion : Fusion and visualisation of data from various electronic sensors for situation awarness
Posted in: High Tech.
Last Modified: März 14, 2017
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