Why reinvent the wheel ?
Outsource the after sales support, spare-part management and documentation service or parts thereof !
The ultra-light (UL) and light sport aircraft (LSA) industry is focusing on the launch of new and innovative products. Small production batches of aircraft and limited human resources leave the after sales tasks lagging behind the requirements of the market. Service and spare part organizations are important features for the brand, reputation and market penetration of a product.
Under the project name “Euroeagle” MChE is developing an offering for the industry outsourcing of after sales support, spare part management, maintenance training and documentation services or parts thereof.
Needed for building up a proper after sales support:
1.Product know-how
2.Understanding of the specifics of the market
3.Knowledge of problems in the field to trouble shoot
4.Good relation with maintenance organizations and operators
5.Clearly define points of contact for the customer
6.Availability of spare parts
7.Efficient logistic organization
8.Spare part catalogue
9.Maintenance training
10. Competitive pricing
We can help you save your money, reduce sweat and dry your tears