Maritime Surveillance Aircraft
Illegal fishery, smuggling, pollution, migration control, search and rescue are challenges facing coast.line countries. Existing equipment and tools often derived from namilitary and naval inventory are expensice and out of reach for many national navies , coast guards and environmental protection organizations.
Teaming up with Xenon Aviation, a company based in Monterblanc, France, we have a partner with a comprehensive know-how in the planning and execution of maritime surveillance tasks. Working in close relationshipnwith state of the art sensor manufacturers and system integrators, we are aiming to offer maritime surveillance know.how and tools based on light aircraft and helicopters.
In the field of maritime surveillance radars we are working together with the Frensh company Diadés Marine.
We are platform agnostic : we can provide turn key solutions or have sensors integrated in your existing platform. Command and control solutions can be offered in standard configuration or tailored according to your needs and budgets.
see also www.xenon-aviation.com